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The Instant Investor Series
MODULE 1: The Top 5 Ways to Find the Best Investment Properties
Module 1: Part 1 (8:38)
Module 1: Part 2 (11:46)
Module 1: Part 3 (9:06)
Module 1: Part 4 (9:54)
Module 1: Part 5 (3:05)
Module 1: Part 6 (9:56)
MODULE 2: How to Vet a Potential Investment Property
Module 2: Part 1 (15:47)
Module 2: Part 2 (21:28)
Module 2: Part 3 (20:28)
Module 2: Part 4 (23:11)
Dr. Joe's Property Evaluation Checklist
MODULE 3: A step-by-step Guide to Using Analyzer Tools to Run the Numbers
Module 3: Part 1 (25:30)
Module 3: Part 2 (20:08)
MODULE 4: Making an Offer: An in-depth Guide to Negotiating the Purchase Price
Module 4: Part 1 (3:18)
Module 4: Part 2 (11:51)
Module 4: Part 3 (11:22)
Module 4: Part 4 (20:10)
MODULE 5: Your Credibility Kit From Start to Finish ( What it is, How to Complete it, How to Use It)
Module 5: Part 1 (3:04)
Module 5: Part 2 (4:59)
Module 5: Part 3 (18:09)
Module 5: Part 4 (10:20)
MODULE 6: Your Financial Statement From Start to Finish (What it is, Why you need it, How to Prepare it)
Module 6: Part 1 (11:28)
Module 6: Part 2 (15:43)
Module 6: Part 3 (17:11)
The Personal Financial Statement
MODULE 7: Inside the Loan Process ( Traditional, Hard Money and Commercial Lending Unpacked)
Module 7: Part 1 (18:57)
Module 7: Part 2 (19:39)
Module 7: Part 3 (8:03)
Module 7: Part 4 (8:25)
Module 7: Part 5 (7:41)
MODULE 8: The A, B, C's of Closing Your Deal
Module 8 - Part 1 (15:08)
Module 8 - Part 2 (16:03)
Module 1: Part 1
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